Monday, 06 December 2021 18:14

Indoor Flying

Hi all,

I hope you are all well

There has been some interest in resuming indoor flying sessions at Camborne School Sports Hall. I have enquired and the most viable evening slot is a Tuesday from 7.30pm to 9pm. I was wondering if those of you who might be interested in attending would kindly let me know as soon as possible by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I can then convey this information forward and look to book the Hall, numbers permitting, immediately after the Christmas break.

Thank You so much


Club Secretary

Tuesday, 22 December 2020 14:51

Membership, CAA and BMFA for 2022

Hi everyone

I hope you are all well. I'd like to begin by informing you all that the Membership fees this year will be reduced to £35. We have unfortunately had a year of uncertainty with regards the pandemic and feel that, as the Club has not outlaid any significant expenses, you as Club Members should benefit from this.

I would ask, on behalf of Chris, Membership Secretary, that you all obtain your own BMFA and CAA registration online as this will assist greatly.

Membership fees can be transferred direct or indeed cheques, made payable to Redruth and District Model Flying Club (in full please).

For all details related to payment please head to our Facebook Group

Please take care, thank you and the very best wishes to you all


Club Secretary

Friday, 06 November 2020 11:07

Covid-19 Regulations Update from BMFA

Hello everyone,

We have just received this update from the BMFA:

Further to our earlier communication, the legislation related to the current lockdown passed in to law on Wednesday 4th November. The regulations are very clear and unambiguous about what venues must close and they include all outdoor recreation and leisure amenities. Model flying clubs are sports clubs and therefore their club flying sites are outdoor sports amenities and must close if they are to comply with the regulation.

Model flying itself has not been prohibited during the lockdown period and as an outdoor recreation may possibly continue in public open spaces dependent on any local restrictions. BMFA insurance remains valid as long as you are operating lawfully. However, legislation limits outdoor gatherings to no more than 2 (unless from the same household) and the BMFA advises that members do not fly alone for safety reasons.

Regardless of the legal position, if the landowner perceives that a club or individual is carrying on flying against regulations during the lockdown it could put permission for model flying on the site at risk. You should also consider the perception from the general public if they also see you carrying on during lockdown.

Therefore, whilst it may still be possible for one or two individuals to fly at a club site on a public open space without being in breach of the regulations, we strongly recommend that members refrain from doing so for the duration of the lockdown.

Is it really worth the risk of permanently losing your flying site?

Kind Regards

Andy Symons

Club Support Officer

Hope you are all well, please take care and remember I'm here if you should need anything at all


Club Secretary

Dear all,

There will be horses at the field definitely this Saturday 25th July and possibly Sunday. We will confirm whether Sunday is out of bounds in the next couple of days.

So to confirm - there will be no flying at the field this Saturday 25th July and possibly not on Sunday but we will let you know sooner.


Club Secretary

Monday, 16 March 2020 18:53

Suspension of Indoor Flying

Dear all,

We have just been informed that unfortunately all bookings made at Camborne School have been suspended. I am sure that this is a precautionary measure with regards to the current situation affecting our population which I think you would all agree is probably the correct decision made with health and safety in mind. Indoor Flying will therefore not be continuing with immediate effect.

The weather is certainly looking good for the week so I hope that many of you get some flying in up at the field....

May I please add, as a personal note from myself, that if any of you should require any help with anything over the coming few weeks, if the situation in the outside world worsens, please remember that you have my email address and that I am more than willing to assist in any way I can.

Take care for now


Club Secretary

Wednesday, 12 February 2020 12:07

Additional dates for Indoor Flying 2020

Hi all,

For those of you who go to Indoor Flying - I have a little treat......I've taken the liberty of booking the Sports Hall right the way through until the 26th March.

I may have caused our Chairman a little distress at the extra expense of booking the Hall for the week during half term but I was thinking about those of you who may be off on leave from work etc while the children were off so I think it's worth it.

So, to clarify, you can fly at Camborne School Sports Hall every Thursday from now right up until the 26th March.

Please make it worthwhile for me!


Club Secretary

Thursday, 09 January 2020 07:15

Indoor Flying 2020

Hi all,

Just to confirm the hall is definitely booked for the indoor flying sessions starting tomorrow evening (Camborne School Sports Hall 7.30 - 9.30 pm) through until the end of the school term.

The School have informed me that they have installed new lamping in there which you may notice is a little brighter. Hope you all enjoy it!!

Take care everyone please and no doubt I'll be in touch with something soon


Club Secretary

Tuesday, 15 October 2019 06:39

RDMFC Christmas Party

Hi everyone - I hope you all got the poster I sent you about the Christmas 'do'. We did the same sort of thing last year and I have to say it was really really nice to sit with everyone there, enjoy some really good food, chat in a relaxed atmosphere so I hope you all decide to come along.

I would like to give credit for the poster to Roger as he made it up and sent it to me so that I could pass it on. Roger is a legend and I have told him so, however, I would like to point out that he put the kiss on the bottom of it - and I left it on there because it would have been very rude of me to mess with his design.

Hopefully I'll be taking your bookings soon.

Take care


Club Secretary

Tuesday, 15 October 2019 06:35

Indoor Flying 2019-2020

The indoor flying venue at Camborne School has been booked from the 7th November until the 12th December. The sessions are for two hours from 7.30pm for the small fee of £5 a session and please, all are welcome. If any of you know of flyers from other clubs with BMFA Insurance who would like to attend then it would be great if you could invite them along. We would like to try and boost the numbers attending as, unfortunately, due to low attendance last year, we are having to use this six week period to analyse the viability of maintaining the sessions which the club are currently paying for with little return. It would be a shame to lose the indoor flying as this is the only venue open to RC Model flyers in the area. So, please come along and ask a friend!!

Take care for now - I'll be in touch soon with regards the Christmas 'do'......


Club Secretary

Monday, 07 October 2019 11:48

Club Meeting 07.10.2019

Here is the message I should have posted last evening reminding you all about the meeting tonight.....I do apologise and I hope that I'm not too late for some of you. See you at 8pm at the Railway Club....

See you there


Club Secretary

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